
Sahaafi Guide

This website and research is a product of my thesis. It is my attempt to help newsrooms in Pakistan look at things from a different perspective. Learning from others, strategizing and then applying those findings should be a key part in our media industry which is ever-changing. Membership might not be the only solution to the funding problem, but it is a promising idea to look at for Pakistan.

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Evicted, Interrupted, and Alone: How COVID-19 Disrupted the Lives of International Students in the U.S.

Students all over the world are struggling with the disruptions to their education brought about by COVID-19. Among them are scores of international students who travel from far away and pay vast sums to study in foreign countries. Being a journalist and an international student studying in the United States myself, I decided to document a few of those stories.


NYU 2250 Project x Financial Times

Graduate students in the Studio 20 program at NYU worked with the Financial Times on a digital innovation project focused on better understanding the FT’s US readers — and the American audience for business and financial news generally. As the head of audience research, I designed surveys and helped conduct interviews with the US readers of Financial Times to understand their reading habits and advise the Financial Times on how to increase engagement. I also did competitive research for COVID-19 audience engagement strategies.


Miss you, Mom

A photography project I did for my photojournalism class after COVID-19 hit NYC and everything shifted to remote. I documented my mother observing fasts during her first Ramadan without me.